Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Results of Gradual Moral Depravity

Fox News just published a story that contains the following:

The Supreme Court on Tuesday let stand Oregon's physician-assisted suicide law, opening the door to many more such laws across the nation for ending the lives of the terminally ill.
In a 6-3 vote, justices ruled that a federal drug law could not be used to prosecute Oregon doctors who prescribed overdoses intended to facilitate the deaths of terminally ill patients. The Bush administration in 2001 sought to go after Oregon doctors who invoked the law, saying that induced suicide was not a "legitimate medical purpose."

You can read the rest of the story at the above link. This is a disturbing case and is plainly a result of the Terri Schiavo incident. Many, including many Christians, fail to recognize the severity of this issue. They figure that a person should be able to die if he or she wants to in such a situation. It's important to make clear that this is not talking about merely "pulling the plug" or removing life support, this literally legalizes a doctor's ability to administer lethal medication to a patient if that patient is terminally ill and wishes to die. Many still think that such an action is acceptable. They use catch phrases such as "well would you want to live like that?" and "it's better for him/her to die than live in misery like this." That does not change the fact that you are killing an innocent human being. To use a popular saying from the anti-capitol punishment crowd, "they're trying to play God." They think there is no hope for the patient to get better and they refuse to recognize the healing ability God can provide as well. The most disturbing thing to come out of this though is the furtherance of euthanasia. This opens the door to many evils that are already present in other nations. Where will this school of thinking lead us down the road? One day will it be acceptable to kill anyone who is not a "productive member of society?" The day that comes about is fast approaching and people need to be aware because the warm wool is being dragged slowly over their eyes. Evil things are always brought about in steps. It does not take just one day for society to accept the killing of the elderly and the mentally ill, it is a process that evolves over time and has dangerous potential to unravel the already frayed moral fibers of the world. This is a scenario to be watched carefully and closely. People must know of the dangers.

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