Friday, February 03, 2006

Evolutionary Flaw of the Day 02/02/06

Today's EFD is about embryology -- the study of embryos. Evolutionists like to claim that as an embryo develops, it follows an evolutionary sequence similar to that of other organisms. This is absolutely, 100%...false. What did you expect me to say? The belief in this theory is outdated and based on old information. For instance, scientists often claim that the tissues resembling "gill slits" on an embryo are just what they look like: gills. They really have nothing to do with breathing. Instead, the tissues are formed there because they develop into other parts of the face, the bones of the middle ear, and endocrine glands. In fact, Ernest Haeckel, by deliberately falsifying his drawings, was the source of this incorrect but widespread belief. Many modern textbooks continue to spread this falsification as factual information even though it is not.

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