Friday, February 03, 2006

Evolutionary Flaw of the Day 02/03/06

Starting today, and continuing for the next week or so, our EFD's will focus around fossilization and fossils in general. Today we will deal with rapid burial of those fossils. Many fossils that have been found over the years show signs of a very rapid death and burial (possibly by a flood?). Quite a few fossil specimens were buried before their flesh even had a chance to decay. Prime example of this? -- jellyfish. Many jellyfish fossils show the details of their soft, fleshy portions as well as their more stable and rigid components. If it took as long as scientists say it did to fossilize these creatures, then their flesh would surely have rotted away before all the layers of sedimentary debris could have piled up. Is it not likely then that a cataclysmic event, oh let's say a flood, for example, almost instantly swept all this material on top of the creatures and fossilized them under tremendous pressures of rushing flood waters before their flesh could rot? In addition, many animals found buried in mass graves are twisted into contorted positions. This hints at nothing other than a rapid and violent burial under immense amounts of pressure (flood waters higher than mountains maybe?).

These observations, in addition with the occurrence of compressed fossils and fossils that cut across two or more layers of sedimentary rock, are strong evidence that the sediments encasing these fossils were deposited rapidly. How could a fossil transverse two or more layers of sediments if it took millions of years to form these layers? Furthermore, almost all of the sediments were sorted by water. On top of all of this information, comes even more interesting and bizarre fossils. There exists fossils in which a fish is caught in the act of swallowing another fish. What happened to cause this I wonder? A flood? "Of course not," the evolutionists say, "he just choked on his dinner and died with it shoved into his mouth to make it look like it was rapidly buried." Seeing has how fish breathe from their gills and not their throats, I think my theory is more scientifically acceptable. The fossil records all across the world show evidence of a rapid death and burial. This is clear evidence of a flood, which strangely enough, is told about in the Bible! Wow, I guess the Bible really did get history right!

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