Friday, March 23, 2007

Swindle Of A Lifetime

For those of you who have read my article "The Real Inconvenient Truth," here, in its entirety, is the documentary that I referenced. It is entitled The Great Global Warming Swindle and features many prominent scientists who disagree with the "church of global warming" (the co-founder of Green Peace is even interviewed in the film). Only a day or two after I discovered that this documentary was on the web, I came across a NASA article that essentially backs up the main theory proposed by Swindle's director (interestingly enough, this documentary has a very sound scientific basis -- unlike the documentaries that some make about global warming for purely financial and political gain). I have not yet had time to watch the full video, but just by watching the first segment (approximately six minutes long) one's attitude towards the subject certainly is forced to go up against some new perspectives. Lastly, here is the article where I first heard about this documentary. It provides a more compact summary of the new theory as well as snippets of interviews with the director. All of this is well worth your time to check out.


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