Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Evolutionary Flaw of the Day 01/25/06

Today's Evolutionary Flaw of the Day regards Extraterrestrial Life. If one were to believe the big bang theory and evolution and all that jazz, one would expect that at least simple microbes and the like would have been found on other planets. Mars even at one time had water because of its immense ice cap. However, in all of the elaborate experiments sent to the Moon and to Mars, not even a simple, single celled organism has been observed. While it is true that this argument only deals with expeditions to two solar bodies, is it not likely that if circumstances were right to produce the exact specifications needed to support life on earth that the two closest solar bodies would at least be able to support microbes? It's just so coincidental that our world is perfectly suited for our existence to believe a random explosion created it all. Check back tomorrow for an interesting look into language and how it contradicts evolution.

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