Monday, January 23, 2006

Lights in the Darkness

Being on the P.O.D. promotions team and e-mail list, I recently received an email about the release of their new album Testify tomorrow. Part of the email contained a quote from the band about the name of their album. The host of the show asked them "...So what are we testifying to with this album?" Sonny, the band's singer, replied with the following: "Fourteen years P.O.D. has been around. We been saying the same thing since we first started: that there is a God out there that loves you. We have that faith, and I believe that keeps us strong, and even though we been in this business and industry you see so many fakes and phonies, and one of the lyrics on our album says if you don't stand for something, then you don't stand for nothing. We have been the same way for 14 years, no changing no gimmicks." Here is one of the most up front bands in the history of Christian music talking openly about their faith in one of the biggest centers for moral depravity in the world: center stage of MTV studios. MTV promotes sexual promiscuity, foul language, objectification of women, and abortion. I guess this post can be taken as a supplement to my previous one discussing music, because it definentaly takes a strong faith to stand up for God and what you know is right when you know that the majority of the people you are speaking to think you are a hypocritical, narrow minded "church boy."

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